Gen Muhoozi Discusses Security Cooperation with South Sudan Counterpart

The Chief of Defense Forces and Senior Presidential Adviser for Special Operations Gen Muhoozi Kainerugaba this afternoon held talks with his South Sudan counterpart Gen Santino Deng Wol.

The meeting at the Defense Intelligence and Security Headquarters focused on regional security issues of mutual interest. The two military leaders acknowledged the longstanding relationship between Uganda and South Sudan, committing to further enhancing military to military relations.

The meeting was attended by several UPDF leaders including the deputy CDF Lt Gen Sam Okiding, Airforce Commander Lt Gen Charles Okidi, the Deputy Commander Land Forces Maj Gen Francis Takirwa and the Chief of Defense Intelligence and Security Maj Gen James Birungi. The meeting was also attended by the 4Division Commander Brig Felix Busizoori and the 5Division Commander Brig Keith Katungyi among others.

The South Sudan chief was also accompanied by senior military officials from his country.

Since assuming office of the CDF, Gen Kainerugaba has met with his counterparts from several countries including Rwanda, Democractic Republic of Congo, Ethiopia, Mali, Mozambique, highlighting his resolve to enhance security cooperation with regional militaries and others that may not directly share a common border with Uganda.

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