President Museveni Hit A Jack-pot By Appointing Mr. Balaam Barugahara

Acholi says,  ” Opuk ma laco ki neno I Mac!” That a male Tortoise is seen when on fire!”. Yes, president Museveni proved that he is not only wise, but loves his BAZAKULU and wishes Uganda well.

BALAAM Bagaruhara Ateenyi -From Makerere University Flukers’ Association [ MUFA] TO Minister; that’s why DR. Balaam Barugahara Ateenyi’s  appointment inspires millions. MUSEVENI’S BEST SELECTION OVER 40 YEARS.

When I saw president Museveni appoints Dr. Balaam State minister, I told my self,  “an egg can truly become a cock that wakes us up every morning when arched. “

Yes, by appointing Balaam,  president Museveni  sent us a clear message that he is a true grandfather to  BAZAKULU. I wish he made a big announcement that he will let our generation be in charge, run for president and that Muhoozi project will comeback later.  But sadly,  Ugandans are afraid of bloodshed.  Yes,  president Museveni’s  Bachwezi Dynasty failed because they were not God.

People know Balaam as General Muhoozi and Museveni’s psychopathic… PLU. He is known as an event promoter.  But to think like that is pathetic and beats logic.  I see grandua as akin to the thought of removing a dictatorship with votes. Sham!

The inspirational Minister,  Dr. Balaam, I know bestows on our generation.

First of all, when he was awarded an honorary PhD,  many rediciculed him. But being factual,  he is a wise and educated businessperson.  He is one of the richest and a great character, and he developed traits of truth and justice! Forget his discipline.  He does not only have a God and Bunyoro bestowed wisdom but is also educated.

Balaam does not only possess the above traits but did a degree in Bcom Marketing and a Masters in Marketing in the same field.  I am sure there are many useful idiots in both the National Resistance government—yes, lumpens who joined to gain wealth must be ridiculing Balaam—and I am sure there are many in opposition too.

But note: Balaam is one of the key brains behind PLU, he is the vice chairman of PLU  in Western Uganda.  You think he would get that position if dull?

Secondly,  he has a 5 star hotel project, 5 FM radio stations at home and abroad.  He is one of the few self-made billionaires in Africa.  Not like Mabati thieves, who have the guts of night dancing witches.

I am talking of leaders who sucked and are sucking Uganda dry. We lose more than 600 billion shillings yearly on corruption as a country.  Some data shows that through institutionalized corruption,  Uganda loses more than $300 million dollars.  Read our own UBOS AND UN- Reports of 2016. We are at a miniscule 4.5 billion dollars GDP compared to Kenya at over 100 billion dollars GDP.


I think,  Ugandans,  especially with youth being majority population,  are blessed to have young rich and disciplined yet humble people now in leadership like Balaam.

Many who knew Balaam just yesterday as a successful  young man and sycophant  are wastes. Please my mentor Hon. Norbet Mao said , ” No right to talk without  research. Do due diligence and research.”  

I remember,  in 2001 at Makerere University,  brother Balaam and some of us were hustlers. I met BALAAM,  I was a MUFA. I would toil for fees and survival.  Thank God me and Hon. Mukasa Mbidde were in Guild leadership,  Mbidde was president.  Ekudu , a Muteso was a  friend,  father figure and dean of students.  It was in 2001, when we fought to boost BALAAM’S business of supplying the university with food stuff like Beans and posho in halls like U.H, university hall,  Mitchell etc.

I am happy because,  I was a member of “ Makerere University Fluker’s Association [ MUFA] Before I became minister in Mbidde’s guild government before meeting productive and inspirational  BALAAM.   Mbidde came immediately after Hon. Asuman Baslirwa now MP and president Justice Forum [ JEMA].

YES, I was a friend of Balaam.  When we met Mbidde,  Balaam was a very honest young business man.  Mbidde,  Makerere University Guild President loved him and was supportive. He would supply the university with food stuff. Me and Mbidde including him we convinced Dean for the supply deal.

By the way,  even non students were MUFA members.  In MUFA, you get meal cards so you can eat, you can get a hall of residence.  Others even access lecture halls. MUFA psychopathical yet it existed.  To win guild president then, you must learn their diction or jagons. Yes, that’s the inspirational Balaam I know.  Others stayed but hustled in Kikoni- ” kikumi kikumi”.

The BALAAM I know- best kept secrets. [ REASONS BEHIND T-SHIRT LOVE]

He developed traits of truth and humility.  That made him liked his T-shirts.  It’s not attraction for cheap popularity,  but  Balaam is a symbol of humility and discipline African young people must emulate.

 In fact, if president wants unending leadership legacy,  let him declare that in 2026 the next generation must take over through a negotiated transition devoid of kleptocratic mind and power corruption.

Yes, when I had that, Balaam intended to marry in all regions to unite Ugandans.  I said “wow.”. I wish General Muhoozi could be Balaam.

General Muhoozi, again, congratulations on becoming our army commander, CDF. If I were you, I would contract to build UPDF, hand my presidential ambitions for the future, and let President Museveni, dad, hand Uganda to Ugandans.  When you resign post-Museveni to become president,  I will come back home to campaign for you.  But now, Ugandans are worried.

Conclusion: Like I said, Balaam exudes smiles, not pain. He is on the verge of being the best minister.  If he can be elected Vice President of General Muhoozi in the PLU, if he owns more than 4 radio stations in Uganda, if he can own several hotels in South Sudan and Uganda, including a 5-star hotel in Masindi, attracting the whole president Museveni to open in 2022,. If he is elected president of NAFEB, the National Federation of Entertainment Promoters in Uganda, then we are blessed.  Yes, don’t expect the greed we have seen, including in parliament.  Even mere Maboti.  Yes, can a billionaire humble and disciplined like Balaam Baruhara Atenyi steal stupid? Thank God for him.

Mwaka Emmanue Lutukumoi.

Ugandan in America- USA.

Former RDC,  Lira, Former Democratic Party National Spokesman, and former Acholi Minister for Information, KKA .


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